1. The components of PAY TV System "PayVision":

  • Scanning device;
  • Subscriber's modules;
  • The device of video-recorder control and commutation of video-audio signals;
  • Central processor on the base of IBM PC with expanded resources to control external devices;
  • PAY TV System software.
Structure scheme of PAY TV System "PayVision" PAY TV

   2. The specifications of PAY TV System "PayVision":

  • 2.1. PAY TV system controls, monitors and locks
          (if necessary) the work of pay channels of any
          TV set that is equipped with a subscriber's

  • 2.2. The number of the pay channels in the System
           can vary from 4 to 20, the pay channels can be
           arranged in packages.
           The number of pay package is from 1 to 8.
           The number of channels in a package is
           from 1 to 20.

  • 2.3. The information on the state of the TV set goes
           from the subscriber's module to the central
           processor through the reverse channel in the
            standard frequency from 5 Mhz to 30 Mhz.

  • 2.4. The system allows to have a common
           announcement channel sand fire alarm
           channels.The system allows to have alarm-clock
           function.The system allows monitoring work
           of every TV in the hotel.
           It can be done at any time:
         - from the operators workplace at the Reception
         - distantly, from any office situated outside the
Standard 19" rack with PAY TV equipment
   3. Scanning device of PAY TV System
  • 3.1. Scanning device of PAY TV System arranges the polling signals and processes
    the received replies from the subscriber's modules; forms the markers of the pay channels
    as well as transfers the received information to the central processor of the System
    on the basis of IBM PC.

  • 3.2. The components of the scanning device:

Block Function
Central processor device 1.Controls all blocks of the scanning device
2. Arranges the exchange of the information
     between the scanning device and IBM PC.
Channel processor 1. Forms the marker of pay channel
2. Insert information
Receive device 1. Receives and processes the signal through
     the back channel from the subscriber's modules
2. Transfers received and processed signal
    to the scanning device

Scanning device of PAY TV System

  4. Subscriber's module

Location of the subscriber's module
on the back cover of TV set
(When the TV sets in hotel are not substituted)
Location of the subscriber's module
on the back cover of TV set
(System with special hotel TV sets)

  5. The device of video-recorder control and commutation of video-audio signals

Audio/Video signal commutation device

  6. PAY TV System software

  • BILL

  • 6.7. Software of the System allows, upon the wish of the guest, to print out
           the personal invoice of watched pay TV programs.

  • 6.8. Software of the System contains a table, easily maintained by the user, that defines
           the periods of tariffing, time of turning on/off of video-recorders,
           time of recording, time of commutations of TV channels.

  • 6.9. Software of the System contains the remore control block that allows by Internet
           to transfer the data bases to a remote office of the System's owner (customer).
           Access to the remote control block is given upon an independent password
           that is set by the System's owner (customer).


last changes at 20-10-2005